Sunday, October 12, 2014

Blog Post #8

I think there is so much that we can really take away from this video. I think it is inspiring how he managed to make all his dreams come true. He never stopped believing that it was possible. I think that is something that we all do too often is give up. We have to start remembering that as long as we never give up the dream is always attainable.

Another thing he said that I really liked was that people can surprise you. They really can. You should always give people a chance. There are countless times in history that giving someone a chance has paid off so much. Be generous and it can come back on you.

Another thing, I was very fond of what he said about giving up was that "if someone stops trying to correct you they have already given up." That is so true. Never give up on your kids. They might give up on themselves but you don't. I really feel like out of the video those stuck out so much.


  1. Sterling, I also really enjoyed the video of Randy Pausch's last lecture, and was definitely inspired by him. Giving people a chance so they can surprise you was a huge thing I took from his video as well. I tend to try and do things on my own instead of letting others "surprise me" and I love how you interpreted it by If you are generous it can come back to you. This is very true, and your interpretation of the video was very enlightening.

  2. What about head fakes, raising the bar, project based learning, accepting critiques, brick walls, persistence, have fun, childlike wonder, learning from experience, asking for advice from peers and PLN, staying curious, being a life long learner?
