For this blog post I was asked what we could learn from a series of videos about project based learning. Before I start, I want to say thank you for including videos with high school teachers and their perspectives. It really is helpful to see how they implement PBL in their classroom as opposed to elementary school students.
Alright, so I think from the videos I watched I think we can learn that PBL takes many different forms. It isn't a specific kind of lesson. It can go from the upkeep of a blog to creating a hot air balloon and launching it into the atmosphere. All of these work because the students can learn a multitude of skills from the project.
What I think is great about the videos is that they all present wildly different examples of PBL. I have to admit I was surprised about how many types of projects work for PBL. I really did enjoy the Q.U.IV.E.R.S. acronym and how he managed to implement it into the class.
Here are the videos I watched for the blog post.
Great blog and videos! (Sorry I meant to comment on this post instead of 12!)